How many times have you requested your child do something, only to have them ignore you?
How many times have you looked your darling dear in the face and asked them to stop doing something?
How many times have you wondered what else there was to do in life, as you hold your child's hair back whilst they blew chunks into the toilet?
I'm willing to bet you've thought these things. And if you haven't, well, you are a saint. Or, a liar.
While motherhood can feel like an endless, thankless succession of wiping nose, wiping butts, and cleaning tears. Many are the times when it's more about getting kisses, being hugged, and giggling to tears. Years go by, and children grow, being a mother is never done. Sure, they'll fly away, find another nest, build their own family. But children never forget their mother.

That is what being a mother means to me.